Conception et fabrication de turbines soudés
pour applications industrielles

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Logo History

Tgt snc was set up on 1976; a littile firm that build centrifugal welded impellers for local Customers.

On 1980 Mr Manuele Minelli wenti in partership and on 1986 he became the one owner.

In the following three years he started a lot of changes in production and management; suddendly TGT showed a leadership on the Italian market.

On 1994 TGT moved on a new and modern factory. 

Next year a first welding robot has been installed, followed on 1996/1997 by others two.

Old machineries were replaced with new technologically advanced ones.

: the fourth welding robot, two new balancing machines, an automatic lathe have been installed and in the same time the research for tools, production quality, safety and logistics has been developped. Meanwhile a cover area expansion improved the work organization; just on 2001, with a new building close to the other, TGT could grow up.

2003   Automation cut laser
2006   Started studying for the isle of welded autonomy robot
2007   New factory and venue " Vicolo Collodi 1 CDE "
2010   New fibra laser -  Our first software in know how for manage production
2014   Open new area "The Collodi 1b"
2015   First laser fibra 3D

2016   TGT is writing the story together with you

TGT s.r.l. - Ventole centrifughe saldate
Vicolo Collodi 1E, Località Rivabella - 40069 Zola Predosa (BO), Italy - Tel.: +39 051 751697 Fax: +39 051 752780 - -
P.I. (Eori) IT00527071203 - C.F. 00898030374 - Mecc. BO015827 - REA 233897 - Cap. Soc. € 10.400,00 i.v.